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时间:2010-09-07      浏览次数:       来源:       字号:[ ]

Application Form for Authentication


Name of Afghan (Company, individual) _______________________________________


ID card No._____________Passport No.____________ Business License No._______

Date of Issue____________Date of Issue____________ Date of Issue______________

Date of Expiry__________ Date of Expiry___________Date of Expiry ____________


Address in Afghanistan: ____________________________________________________

Fax No.: _______________

Mobile No.: __________________


Purpose of Authentication: □ Power of Attorney

                                □ Agent

                                □ Others


If you have selected Power of Attorney, please provide us the followings:

• Copy of the Business License from Afghan side;

• Original of Power of Attorney document;

• Copy of Power of Attorney document;

• Copy of document that signed by Afghan and authorized by relevant agency;

• Copy of the passport from Afghan side.


If you have selected Agent, please provide us the followings:

• Manufacturer letter (the letter should indicate that the manufacturer has not given the same agency to others);

• Duration of the exclusive rights to agent;

• Copy of the passport from Afghan side;

• Copy of the Business License from Afghan side;

• Copy of the Contract with both parties’ signature & stamp.


If you have selected Others, please provide us information from authorized agencies along with passport (s) copy.


Number of Documents: _______________________________



Applicant’s Signature: _____________________ Date: ___________________



Remarks for Official Use Only:



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